Normal Distribution : A new perspective

This article tries to look at the Normal Distribution in somewhat of a different angle. Most of us have seen the probability density function and the famous bell shaped curve very often . So through this article I want you to gain a different insight about the same.

If you have a background in mathematics or statistics , you must be familiar with the following bell shaped curve and the somewhat difficult looking and inherently less intuitive function :P

If not , let me introduce them as the Normal distribution and its Probability Density Function.


Let's try and get familiarized with both of these :)

We consider a simpler case , where μ = 0 and σ = 1, that is the case of Standard Normal Distribution. However , all the things apply to normal distribution also.

So , we have :

Let's try and break down the the function (probability density function) to gain a new perspective.

Let's try and make a connection about the function and the bell shape of the curve.

Step 1 : Start with plotting g(x) = x²

This is a very familiar parabola.

Step 2 : Now let's take it a step forward and plot h(x) = x² / 2

This is just another version of a parabola we had initially .

Step 3 : Now let's do a transformation and plot k(x) =

Step 4 : Now let's take the transformation which takes the reciprocal of the previous function:

i(x) =

Boom !!

The python code for generating these graphs is attached on my google drive on the following link :

So , here we are with a function that looks like our bell shaped curve.The next thing we need to answer is about the constant , that is :

   multiplied to the function i(x) .

Note , after multiplying i(x) by the constant , we get the standard normal density function.
But we need to answer the question , why do we do this....

Spoiler Alert!! :P

We do that to make the function a valid Probability Density Function.

Mathematically Speaking :

We know that for any function to be a valid density function, it should follow the following rules :

1. i(x) ≥ 0 for all x.

2.The total area under the curve should equal to 1.

Clearly , property no. 1 is satisfied as we can clearly see the plot is in the positive region.

Let's check the if the second condition holds or not .

For that we need to try and solve for i(x) integrated over the complete domain.

The technique used here was given by Pierre-Simon Laplace who was a french scholar with wide contributions in Statistics , Mathematics , Physics  . He gave this technique in the early nineteenth century(1812 precisely).

Consider solving the integral :

We take a simpler version of it to begin with :

Since is an even function , that is :

f(-x) = f(x) for all x

So we can consider only the positive part of x axis and then twice that integral as the f(x) is same for the positive as well as negative x values.

We compute :

Now we since directly solving the integral is not possible , so this was a way to go about solving the integral .

Assume :

Note that surprisingly the integral becomes easier to solve if we have one extra term in the integral .

Hence :

More Generally ,

In our case we have a = 1/2 and b = 0 , So finally

So , to make i(x) a valid Probability Distribution Function , we multiply i(x) by

This finally gives us the standard normal density Function.

I hope this article gave you some different perspective about the normal distribution.

If you liked this article , do comment and share .

Happy Learning!


Sahaj Thareja


  1. Wow, this is absolutely amazing. It was quite informative and also a new approach to understand this basic and important concept.

  2. Beautifully simplified. Glad to read this.


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